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Monday, 21 July 2014

iPhone App Development - Key Points To Develop an iPhone App That Can Attract Massive Users

iphone app development tips

Over-saturated iphone app market with more than 1 million apps have created a tough competition for iPhone app development companies to come up with new apps. Yes, it's right that there is an app for everything. It means if you really want to hit the grounds, you need to generate an app idea that hasn't surfaced yet. Having an ideal app idea and submitting it to the app development company is not just enough. You must think beyond the app idea which includes its design, development, updates, and most importantly user engagement. Ignoring such can put you down below the competitions with a big loss of app investment.

Shelter yourself from bigger loss and put yourself safe aside by learning the key points to develop an iphone app.

Set With Simplicity

Why people like to turn their smartphones on whenever they require to perform any task? Because they are always in a hurry for immediate results, and smartphones are widely known for their speedy results. The secret? Not smartphones, but apps are able to perform functions quickly. Yes, device functions are also responsible for app performance. But well-designed apps     are kept at the center for immediacy. Next is the user's capability to go through app functions. This ability depends upon the simplicity of app. The more it is simple, the more users will be able to go through it hurriedly. Designs with too much highlights, sceneries, etc., can lay a bad impression on users, making them helpless to remove it from their smartphones. Power and beauty of simplicity work better than surplus attractive designs. However, for apps like games, you can go with same, but be sure for high resolutions.

Maintain A Perfect Balance Between the Functions

After designing, you must turn your focus on its functions, features, elements or whatever you name them. Not little or not too much, average number of functions must be placed at each slide of app. Too many functions at one slide will hide the beauty of design and also, create confusion among your users. Fewest number of functions send a signal to the users that the particular app has nothing useful to play with. Therefore, it's mandatory to maintain a perfect balance of functions in app. Good balance between the functions may later result into good balance of your app success.

Thumb Design

You might have noticed that apps have their particular icon, and the size of that icon is not bigger than your thumb. Mostly, everybody uses its thumb to execute each and every function of a smartphone. Not only an app icon, but you have to keep buttons, slides and scrolls that equals to thumb size within your app. Also, don't forget to maintain an appropriate distance between each button.

Color Schemes

Colors are deeply related to the feelings of users. Mind becomes more active whenever eyes catch a color. So, you must use a spectrum of colors for slides of your app, but within the limits. It will help your users remember your app and its slides, on the basis of colors. 

Take a Good Care of Uniqueness

“Oh yes, this is the same app that I used a few months ago”. This expression comes when your app functions are similar to the functions of some other app. Elaborate your ideas, make a list of features and functions, and check the Apple app store to see if there is an app that has parallel functions like yours. If you find such, then delete the functions, add some new one or try to give a new shape to your existing functions. Uniqueness must be there to leave a good impression on the user's mind.

Design For Your Users

All the above described points are for the comfort of users. If they feel ease by using your app, if they like your app deigns and colors with proper navigation, if they can tap any button, scrolls and slides easily with thumb, they please to have your app for a long time. Make a user-centric app, and you are ready to enter the competitive region.

Spread the Words of Your App

How to let the people know about your app in the crowd of 1 million iPhone apps (and growing). Promotion is the only answer to your question. Spread the words of your iPhone app development on the sites where you find the maximum number of your targeted audience. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media sites are often used for app promotion.

Constant Updates

What if you served with the same food day and night!!!. No doubt, for sometime you will eat it, after some time your quantity will decrease and again, after some time you will stop and go for the search of another one. Similarly, your app will be used by everyone initially. After some time, users will decrease the app usage and again, after some time they will remove it and search for a new one with advance features. Constant updates save your app from being removed from users' smartphones. Providing something new to the users through existing app means to give them a reason to come back, and keep your app forever.


At the end, keep your users at first and start your design accordingly. Make a list of features that you think your users will like. Also, make a list of features that you think your users will deny. Promotion is necessary even before you launch your app. It's a way to create excitement among users about your upcoming app. With this, you are already making a bigger line of users for your app. And when your app launch, you will see a great number of app downloads. Don't stop, when you see the high scores of app, keep going, and be ready to next update or upgrade.


  1. I have ready your post thoroughly & got some technical points... First three point are the most important in the development of iphone app
    mobile phone app development

  2. iPhone app development is most popular today because the demands of iPhone app development company is increased day by day that is the best news for iPhone app developers.Thanks for sharing this information.I got amazing technical points which are important in development.


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